Today I was reading a blog of a fellow photographer who I follow on Twitter. It had been a while since I had visited her blog so I decided to stay a while to see what she has been up to. Her name, Tasha Prescott and she is an amazing photographer and a superhero in her own right! She has been leading her own revolution combating comfort zones! Getting out of your comfort zone, to be exact. She recently led her first photography workshop, which she was extremely nervous about, but calm because she knew that God would see her through! I truly admire her faith and how she unapologetically shares her authentic self!

Thank you for bearing with me, I had to get that in!

Well, I was reading her post titled “Pockets or Passion” and it really struck a cord with me. She spoke of the numerous amateurs entering the photographic field while those who entered the field for passion’s sake are becoming few and far between.  Reading this post helped me to recall the passion that drove me to pursue my calling to be a photographer (yes, calling!). It helped me to get in touch with the drive that I had to succeed. Lately that drive has been watered down by life and it has been a struggle to get it back, to say the least. Have I lost my faith along the way?…

Although I can honestly say that I am not a “pocket” (nor have I ever been ,nor will I ever be), I am grateful to know that this is what I was created to do and that I will become exactly who I was created to be!

I hope to re-ignite the passion that still lies within me and to go on to accomplish my goals and dreams that I have for myself. This will require getting out of my comfort zone and becoming the best friend of the unknown. Scary. But, I know that I can do it through God and lots of hard work!

Thank you, Ms. T for being you and sharing your courage and faith which inspires others!